Friday, September 03, 2010

SqlServer: Favor Inline UDFs Over Table Variables

T-SQL's Table Variables surely do have their benefits, but several drawbacks as well. We used to apply them in the past within larger T-SQL batches, in order to save and reuse some smaller query results, and to avoid code duplication:

declare @MyTable table (...)

insert into @MyTable(...)
select ...

select *
from @MyTable MyTable
inner join ...
where ...

But some databases grew in size far beyond original expectations, and those table variables that used to hold 100 rows, now hold 10.000 rows or more, and spill over into TempDB, hence perform badly.

So I replaced them with Inline User Defined Functions (these are table-valued UDFs, which only consist of a single Select statement):

create function dbo.MyUdf(...)
returns table
return (
select ...

They can then be inlined like this:

select *
from (dbo.MyUdf(someparam)) MyVirtualTable
inner join ...
where ...

This means high performance (due to the UDF query being inlined, query optimizer can do quite some magic) AND avoiding code duplication. Nice!